November 02, 2008

Author Spotlight: Margie Palatini

Here’s an author for you to look up on your next library visit—in fact, click on the library website right now & have them put a few of her books aside for you!

Margie Palatini has been making readers laugh for years now, with picture books loaded cover-to-cover with humor designed to appeal to adults as much as their kids—just like I like it! Zoom Broom, for instance, has a long riff on the classic Abbot & Costello “Who’s on First” routine (parents, if you don’t get the reference, hand the book to Grandma & head immediately to YouTube). The Web Files deserves a deadpan, “Dragnet”-style delivery. Classic characters get new twists, everyday situations spin out of control, and silly wordplay is the norm!

By the time you’ve taken home several library copies of Palatini’s books, I’m sure your family will have found some real keepers. To add something extra to your experience of the stories, download the activities and study guides at


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much John!
I hope you will check out my new website and the fun INSPIRATION EQUATIONS!


Storyteller John Weaver said...

Thank you, Anonymous! So glad you visited the site.
